Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Video Journalism- what is it?

Gone are the days of the full news team heading out for a breaking story. Now, video journalists (vj) do the jobs quickly, easily and efficiently.

Instead of having the camera crew, sound crew and reporter, now all that’s needed is a single journalist with a video camera.

These very talented journalists are capable of capturing their own story on film, editing it and reporting it.

VJ’s are suitable in times of chaos, when there is no time to organise the bulky film crew to accompany the reporter. They are also suitable for feature stories and soft news stories.

While there seems to be a rising trend in this type of journalism, it is difficult to imagine that the “old fashioned” news crew will become obsolete.

There are still moments in time that need the full effect of a proper microphone or boom, and a complex camera to capture the news story as a whole.

But knowing how to operate a camera, how to capture sound, and how to edit news stories are invaluable skills to have in today’s media.

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